Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Oldroyd announces run for State House

Today I announced my intention to seek the Republican nomination to serve in the Utah State House of Representatives for the new Legislative district 48 (representing E Lindon, NE Orem, and N Provo).

We are entering a critical time in America; we face significant financial challenges and attacks on our moral foundation. How we address these will determine what kind of a future we share with our children.

We need courageous conservatives willing to tackle these issues even in the face of criticism. Securing a bright future requires a vigilant defense of the Constitution and the family.

I am running because protecting our values and the right to secure prosperity and freedom is worth fighting for.

Utah is strong thanks to a generation of conservative ideals. But a bright future is not certain, and threats and attacks are always present.

We know liberty flourishes when the free market is allowed to operate unfettered by excessive regulations and government intrusion. I will fight to promote fiscal responsibility and accountability in government. We cannot let Washington's liberal spending habits take hold in the Beehive State.

Instead we must decrease Utah's dependency on a broken federal system. Government dependency is a recipe for destruction. I will fight to defend the Constitution by rejecting the tendency to view government as the solution to all our problems and instead pulling government back to unleash the wonders of our free market.

I am Pro-Life, and will fight to ensure Utah is doing all it can to protect the life of the unborn. The most vulnerable in our society need champions to protect them. As a pro-life advocate, you can count on me to ensure we give every life a fighting chance. Life is a gift from God and government’s role is to protect life and promote individual responsibility. I will fight the use of taxpayer funds that in any way harms the family unit or promotes any so-called family planning agenda.

I am a Pro-Business champion. Attracting new businesses is a priority. As we grow the economic pie our priority must be to fight for our existing local business heroes. As a pro-business champion, you can count on me to fight for a vibrant environment for all.

I am Pro-Education. As the father to six children in our public education system, I will work to find efficiencies at the Department of education level so that every dollar possible makes it to the classroom. Ensuring a good education is also one reason I will join others in holding the Federal government accountable for failing to abide by the charter agreement when we became a state. The education of our children is worth this battle.

I ask you to join me, because together we can defend the Constitution and protect the family, decrease dependency on and increase accountability of government, protect freedom by increasing fiscal responsibility, and improve the education of our children by making sure each dollar is used properly.

Over the coming weeks and months I look forward to sharing with you more about my background and experience. I'll be scheduling events and launching a website and Facebook page. In the meanwhile you can learn more by calling me directly at 801-404-8635 or emailing me anytime at



p.s. Make sure to add 7pm March 15th to your calendar so you can attend this year’s Republican neighborhood caucuses.

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