Being a Republican means you believe that the American Dream is still possible. A Republican supports creating a system that embraces the risk-taking entrepreneur and the fair and responsible use of land to build wealth.
Hard work and innovation is the path to return America to greatness. But Republicans believe government is too big, too expensive, and too intrusive into the lives of hard-working families and small business owners.
Republicans believe we need new taxpayers and not new taxes. We are Taxed Enough Already.
Raising taxes is a bad idea, especially in a time of economic uncertainty. The bail-outs and bloated spending bills must stop. The growth of government and the debt and deficit of this nation is unacceptable and unsustainable. Our future financial stability is at stake.
Confidence in the ability of government to rein in spending has been shattered these past three years and for the first time, the rising generation may not enjoy a higher quality of life than before. Confidence must be restored by returning to proven principles of fiscal discipline, individual responsibility, moral courage, government accountability, and the safety of our people through military strength.
Another reason the American people have no confidence in our national leaders right now is because they seem unwilling to acknowledge and appreciate the value of taking risk to build a prosperous future. Our Founding Fathers took enormous risk to overcome tyranny. They recognized then, and hard-working Americans know now, that risk is vital in creating jobs. Republicans believe government should get out of the way of risk-taking entrepreneurs and allow the spirit that built this nation to thrive.
As an idea takes hold and the product or service goes to market, jobs will be created and confidence restored. But this is not possible when regulation, fear of increased taxes and fees, and potential litigation is looming over head. Government must stop punishing risk and instead encourage it with lower fees and reduced regulatory burdens.
Once the spirit of innovation is unleashed, our economy will recover and a rising tide will lift all boats. That was a favorite saying of former President Ronald Reagan; who also talked about America as a light on the hill. The American Dream will be possible once again but only through recognizing and encouraging working Americans to once again take risk to build a prosperous future.
Being a Republican also means that you respect the land and recognize that much of our wealth, both individually and as a nation, comes from the land. Agriculture, energy, and textiles are a few vital aspects of everyday life that requires responsible but unfettered access to land. Republicans believe that government must also get out of the way of our growers, producers, and energy developers. In addition, States should have the right to use their land to support education and build wealth and a prosperous economy.
The growth of the debt and deficit of this nation is only rivaled perhaps by the growth of regulatory red tape that acts as another hurdle for businesses and families. Few places have this burden been more apparent than on managing our lands. Republicans want to rein in the liberal environmental extremism and legal system that punishes those that responsibly use the land to grow and feed the world. Local ranchers and County Commissioners know and love these lands more than Federal bureaucrats and Hollywood liberals. Green is not the new gold and government should recognize that America’s producers and growers deserve to operate free from burdensome regulations.
America will be great again when we support the fair and responsible use of land to build wealth and create a system that embraces the risk-taking entrepreneur. Confidence will be restored when government supports a robust private-sector where innovation and competition will lead to generations of prosperity.